Happy New Year!
Friends and Travelers!
Wishing each of you peace and well being through 2019!
Now in the short days of the winter season, we look back on the travels of 2018 – and plan for future trips!
2018 offered us so many pictures and memories. We took four groups of friendly travelers – several of whom are family; each of whom became a part of a traveling family for just a few days.
In January, we explored Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands; in March we traveled south from Lima Peru to Arequipa and the spectacular Colca Canyon, then to LaPaz Bolivia vía Lake Titikaka wrapping up the tour at the citadel of Machu Picchu.

The Colca Canyon – Peru – a day’s drive from Arequipa
In the Fall, it was our fourth tour to the Dordogne Valley along the Vezere river, France. The caves were particularly mysterious – challenging imagination and intellect!
In October, a new group dared to take a New New View of northern Spain – from Bilbao to Gijon then on to a parador in Santiago de Compostela.
The group shuffled participants and continued on through the south of Spain – Corduba, Grenada, Ronda to Seville!
It was a rolling exploration of beautiful countryside, exceptional architecture with large tasty meals. We heard stories of Jewish, Moorish and Christian cultures, walked through extensive gardens and palaces ending in the museums of Madrid!
New View Tours – Michael and Ramelle – are pleased that you have each been such great travelers; nimble and quick to understand new and different circumstances, open to opportunity and able to maintain a shared sense of humor. Thank you for joining us!
Looking out to 2019 – we can only imagine what will happen in the US of A, let along the entire world. But New View is in full force planning what WE will do! Our tour to the High Andes of Ecuador heads out in early January.
The Patagonia Tour is lined up for the first two weeks of February. These trips are filled now. We are quietly honing the details with our hosts on the equator and below!
May 2019 will be a new New View Tour to the Czech Republic. We travel from Prague to Vienna. Details are falling into place for a visit to the “crossroads of Europe” where we find 13 UNESCO sites to choose from. Inspired by classmate/friend Peter Heimann, a resident of Vienna, we will track the origins of the Moravian peoples; explore the castles of the medieval times, taste the food and see the multiple cultures through history in this pastoral countryside.
Fall 2019 the travels to Europe continue with revised and renewed itineraries: France in late September to include the Chauvet cave. We meet up in Toulouse and end in Bordeaux! This trip will be in its fifth year – with appreciation for the help from Nancy Dawson and inspiration from Trena McNabb who provided us with their insights and interests in this pastoral region of Southwest France.
October 2019 Spain – a new view! will start in Madrid continue by high speed train to Seville to see gardens with Sally Duque, our American friend; then on to Ronda where we only had a taste of the rich history here – it was a favorite haunt of Ernest Hemenway! Then we discover Malaga on the Mediterranean coast. Our visit will include a stop with our hospitable Berkshire summer friends, the Mulvilhills who winter in the Escorial, another prince’s palace outside of the capital city!
Thank You All
for your encouragement, and your many positive messages that invite us to
continue to design tours and
Enjoy them with you!
Happy New Year 2019!
Ramelle and Michael