Alcazar in Seville Spain

Still posting from the October trip! Here are a few pix of the Alcazar in Seville Spain. Have you been? It is a stunning royal palace built on the site of a Muslim fortress. Plan for a day here! And be sure to pre-order tickets – tourists are thankfully controlled – but there were plenty of us there!

The legacy of the Moors is here – perfectly proportional rooms arranged around a water source/fountain, geometrical designs including calligraphy with repetitive message from the Koran line the walls and ceilings – and floors! Rebuilt by a Christian king, added crests and crosses and their own features. The gardens remain in symmetrical patterns – so extensive that several acres are maintained by the city of Seville. The farther inside the compound, the more sophisticated the designs so their wealth not displayed publicly – thus huge bare exterior walls!

Alcazar, Seville, Spain

The relatively simple exterior of the Alcazar.

Alcazar, Seville, Spain

Alcazar, Seville, Spain

Gardens inside the fortification leading to the dwelling area.

Alcazar, Seville, Spain

Alcazar, Seville, Spain

Ceiling patterns of this domed room represent half the world! we are looking up to the perfectly proportioned sky – from the platform of the flat earth!

Alcazar, Seville, Spain

The horseshoe arch was the Moorish way of building. The patterned walls are squares of plaster – painted blue in sections.

Alcazar, Seville, Spain

Looking up at the bedroom of the king’s daughter – who was of course a princess!

Alcazar, Seville, Spain

baths built into the lower level of the Alcazar – fed by fresh spring water.

Alcazar, Seville, Spain

Here are the exterior gardens….

Alcazar, Seville, Spain

View to the bell tower built during moorish – under renovation.

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