Travel Post from the Perigord

Hope this finds everyone at home thriving in the new Fall season.

Bordeaux is 250,000 – most streets were made one way in 2003, after a major modernization and declaration that this 18th century architecture is a World Heritage site. Now lots of streets are closed to automobiles – only for pedestrians. In the 1700’s  the ports were bustling with trade of sugar, rum, slaves and spices…good museum was fun, even with jet lag on our first day.

Group dynamics grooving along. We have two older women who left their husbands States-side and they are chatting away. Then my artist friends from North Carolina. She is a painter and her photographer husband Tommy is now a knife maker – This is her pilgrimage. French are weird and fun and we are learning about restaurant reservations – like make one even if no one is there. We have come at a good season as it is quieter.The Bordeaux Museum d’Aquitaine has lots of prehistoric artifacts – a perfect introduction to our travels.

The city has a new electric metro above ground – too much limestone to dig. It has been a major port through the centuries – sugar, wine, rum and slaves. The museum does a sensitive job interpreting all this.

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Travel Post: Cave day in Les Eyzies Valley

The cave artists we see today have created, like accomplished masters of their craft, paintings, drawings and sculpting representations of animals and people in amazingly Realistic proportion using the natural landscape of the caves surfaces. It is all incredible – what we know and what we can still question. Here is a museum repro; a view of the town tucked in cliffs of limestone and some of us at the mouth of Font du Gaume cave. We saw three caves today; two we visit tomorrow.

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Travel Post: Day 2 – St. Emilion

The wine tasting was an experience this morning. Here we are standing on glass pebbles – in honor of the grapes as if to crunch them with our toes. This is the contemporary wine making system built adjacent to the classical one at the St Emilion vineyard (in honor of the hermit/saint).

Building is understated, contemporary and reflects the terroir in red stainless steel!! Wine was “complex” at 11:00 a.m. All went well. Marion is our driver/guide and she is bursting with info! Off to the caves tomorrow. Very exciting to be so near now.

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Travel News – September 2015

Dear Friends,
As we say au revoir, adios and farewell  to the beautiful summer season of the Berkshires, it’s sooner than you think until the chilly winter months of winter arrive!  Time to take a few days to refresh and restore – our favorite destination is on the equator in the high sierras of Ecuador. Join us January 26 – 14, 2016.

Imbabura Volcano from the Condor Park above Otavalo, Ecuador

Imbabura Volcano from the Condor Park above Otavalo, Ecuador

It is such a treat to have another writer, artist and friend appreciate travel and the creative spirit. Here is Catherine Tsintsos’s article. She has integrated her description with some of my pictures:

Llamas grazing at Cochasqui 7th Century pyramids

Llamas grazing at Cochasqui 7th Century pyramids

And here are some lovely bird pictures from a recent Smithsonian Magazine article – no need to be a hard core birder to enjoy the treasure hunt in Ecuador: see:

Cock of the Rock - pix shared from El Refugio de Intag website.

Cock of the Rock – pix shared from El Refugio de Intag website.

This is to invite you to join us in January for a creative “new view” tour to our favorite destinations in Ecuador.

January 7 – 17, 2016…See the tour here:

Ecuador: a country with the most diverse ecosystems in the world – birds, flowers, trees, woodlands and mammals will be abundant and at the same time, unique to the region. We will be share the same views that Frederic Church found in the 19th Century –

Sculpture by local Ecuadorean artist with views of Imbabura (right) and Cotacachi volcano in the distance (left).

Sculpture by local Ecuadorean artist with views of Imbabura (right) and Cotacachi volcano in the distance (left).

We have a detailed itinerary upon request. Send an email to me here:

We will be staying here: see
and here: see
and here: see: (my beloved mountain)
and here: see

New View ToursA few more pictures from towns & villages of High Sierra of Ecuador…..

Hand pulled print on the wall at SachaJi with view reflected in glass.

Hand pulled print on the wall at SachaJi with view reflected in glass.

Window with Inca cross behind a local wood carving at Las Palmeras Inn:

Window with Inca cross behind a local wood carving at Las Palmeras Inn:

Colonial Church in Cotocachi, the leather village

Colonial Church in Cotocachi, the leather village

Views of Cotacachi town - a mural, the church, and the plaza - note the palm trees in the mountains!

Views of Cotacachi town – a mural, the church, and the plaza – note the palm trees in the mountains!

And the flight demonstration at the Condor Park with the American Bald Eagle!

And the flight demonstration at the
Condor Park with the American Bald Eagle!

Wishing the very best to each of you.
Many thanks for considering a trip with New View Tours”

Ramelle & Michael

Ramelle Pulitzer
Michael Pulitzer, Jr.

New View Tours, Inc.

Mail address:
P.O. Box 583
Stockbridge, MA 01262

Tel 336 416 2390

Photo credit: cock of the rock pix thanks to website: El Refugio de Intag.

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Art Tour to Ecuador


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January 2016 – Art Tour To Ecuador

in the High Sierra of Ecuador

January 7 – 17, 2016

Art of Ecuador20150830HaciendaCusinThe High Sierra of Ecuador is a perfect destination for the practicing artist: sketch, paint, photograph, study language, or simply jot notes as you explore the multiple layers of diverse culture and beautiful scenery in the various communities. Ecuador is enriched by a diversity of peoples, plant life and cultural practices that continue today. We will see traditional lifestyles and dress of the indigenous Ecuadorean heritage; hear the Quichua language; watch the diversity of bird life, and experience the enormous transitions this Ecuadorcountry is undergoing. And find signs of past visitors. Ecuador was a destination for many other artists and scientists including Alexander Humboldt in1799; Frederic Church in1857 & 1859; and Charles Darwin at the turn of the last century.

The Itinerary available upon request ( includes extra activities arranged to your interest and energy level! Ride horseback, hike a volcano, study Spanish, write or sketch a journal and of course, Enjoy the beautiful people and breathtaking scenery!! – 10 day tour – $1500


Welcoming practicing artists…

This January tour will be for artists to expand the creative spirit in a truly beautiful part of the world – the High Sierras of Ecuador. We stay at El Refugio Cloud Forest Lodge – Ecuador and Sachaji and return to the exceptional Hacienda Cusin Practicing artists in all media are most welcome! Tour a little, explore, create and refresh a lot!



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We recommend Hacienda Cusin for the best accommodations!

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Travel Note April 2015

April 17, 2015

20150406naranjillaDear Friends and Travelers,

Happy Springtime from the Berkshires!  What a winter! And what travels we have had!

A few pictures and stories from the High Sierra and the Intag Cloud Forest of Ecuador are up on the website to check out! Enjoy! We are in the design phase for our tours in 2016 and 2017! Your input and suggestions are most welcome. More soon on these!

Now, here are the Tours with immediate deadlines for Sign Up!


September 2015 – Castles and Caves of France and Northern Spain
Art, Art history, gentle activity
Consider Castles and Caves from September 8 – 19. The focus is on the art as well as the architecture and lifestyle of the earliest artists and builders.

Tickets are SOLD OUT – so we must know by May 1st to Hold Your Reservation for entrance to the caves. (Of course, We will pre-purchase all tickets)

Our guide Catherine Desdemaines Hugon in Les Eyzies is author of Stepping Stones and most respected authority on the caves of the Dordogne valley. We continue through the farmlands with a personal guide and private driver to cross the Basque region and the Pyrenees mountains into northern Spain!

We are going! So just let us know if you might be able to join us.

February 2016 – Patagonia, Chile

Hiking, birdwatching, very active

We hike in Torres del Paine, the southern Patagonia region of Chile for five days, heading out from Ecocamp each morning for a new view of the mountains…WAM wonderful, amazing, magnificent! We plan stops in Santiago, Valparaiso and Villaricca.  Are you able to join us? This is a spectacular part of the planet. Again, only a few places are available in the upscale refugios, so let us know your interest. My stories and a few pix from two years ago are here: and for details on the Patagonia tour, contact me directly. Here is the brochure:

Michael joins me wishing you and yours….

Happy Trails!


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Good morning Cotocachi


Cotachi Sky

Are you there? The skies are open, the hills saturated from last night’s pounding rain and you are right behind a bank of clouds that look like a splendid snow capped volcano reaching up to 16,800 feet. I am on the Intag side in the cloud forest, mostly national preserve with trails and streams and a few small farms.  This will be my home this week. I’ll await this view each morning. In this direction, the sun will stream across the landscape at 6:15 creating such a strong ray that the horizon is completely lost in the radiance.



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Travel Post: Equatorial Line at 3 PM

20150416equatorThis is the equatorial line at 3 PM only 3 days before the March 21st equinox. at Quitsato (Quitsa means middle; To means world) The giant sundial is situated at this location that is in alignment with the mountains and in triangulation with three other sites built by the pre Inca peoples:  the historic center of the capital city, of Quito,, the 7th century pyramids of Cochasqui pyramids and Cataquilla with its circular wall formations at 23 degrees from this point – reflecting the tilt of the earth’s rotation.

In the middle of the world, there is no other way to know the calendar year! The sun is directly overhead every day!

This line was located by the Ecuadorean Geographical Institute using satellite technology.  The foundation that built this place calls themselves a model for cultural self management!

The “old equator” is 100 yards up the road. This monument within walking distance, was placed here by the International Rotary Club in the 1950’s!!

Worth a stop!

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Travel Post – fond memories of El Refugio de Intag


Walkway between the houses. This mural is by Sandy Statz, now an Ecuadorean citizen who lives up the road about 2 miles in a house she designed herself.


The main house at El Refugio de Intag


Typical view at a sunny moment – it rains and rains and rains. The dirt in the foreground is from the road construction company that is improving the road from Cotacachi.


Naranjilla plant blossoming. The fruit is one of many special tastes in Ecuador – delicioso! con sucre en jugo.


Peter Joost, naturalist, bird watcher and owner of this refugio is leading another hike. He found and identified more bugs, botanicals and birds than I thought possible!


Peter holding a surprise for Sandy!


A neighbor drops by during nap time. I’ve never seen a horse halter or bridle strung this way, but it is how all the horses are harnessed here. It seems to be gentler.


A few petals from the floor of the cloud forest that I find on our hike this morning – and it looks so green!


Lovely porch


and this is the way to the front gate – so many birds!


Blue grey tanenger. Photo taken by Peter Joost!


Four bedroom house on the other side of the river, still on the property – it can be rented out!


The black and brilliant yellow ones are euphonia. See the belly of the bird by the tree branch? And the bright orange bird to the far left. I need to find their names.


Painting by Sandy Statz. Table top weavings by ladres in the community. belt by Nilda of Chinceros, Peru. Flowers are ones I picked on my nature walk this morning.


Embroidered “painting” by multi-talented Lupe who does all the cooking here, too.


Lupe, Oswaldo and the twins!




Ramelle Pulitzer


Peter watching his new quail – on their second day here – there are seven somewhere!


Quail learn under and over.


Ariel the cat and his best friend.


Peter at the main house – Bienvenidos!


The one and only banana bird feeder!


Good Morning!

Posted in Ecuador, Intag-El Refugio Cloud Forest, Travel Journals | Comments Off on Travel Post – fond memories of El Refugio de Intag

Travel Post: Ecuador – Intag Cloud Forest

Back from the beautiful cloud forest of Intag where at El Refugio the river rush is so strong it buries the sound of the bird calls.


Here is Sandy who offers Spanish classes – immersion style with a little grammar practice thrown in. Here is the daunting list of the subjunctive clauses – time for a hike!


Millie is my good walking friend – she is ready and waiting each day as I start out for the gate!

Intag Clouds

Intag Clouds


Two types of euphonia on the banana bird feeder. By the end of the day, the red squirrel or the possum will polish off the leftovers.(this pix from my iPhone)


Stream/river is really fast now because it is the rainy season


View from Quichinche of the base of Cotocachi volcano under the clouds. Intag cloud forest is “over there”!!

El Mirador

Steve, Rebecca Millhouse. Angel and Peter Joost at El Mirador de Intag – the best view of the cloud forest valley!

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On the Equator

On the Equator in 4 days this shadow will move to the center of the line – which aligns with the mountains in the distance. This is the only place on the planet where there are mountains to mark the seasons. the PRE Incans put sun dials in locations around this spot that mark this important calendar event – Quito is located on one of the triangulations. Quite amazing to experience this place and the description/understanding at the new Quitsato monument!

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Travel Post: Ecuador’s Otavalo Market

Otavalo market is as crazy as ever on Saturdays!

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We have just visited Cotacachi, Ecuador, north of Quito. A mural by Pavel Eguez is near the community cultural center; it is in the style of the famous Ecuadorean artist Guayasamin. Then just down the street is the plaza and classic church. This one features carved wooden (relatively) modern altars that continue the classical appointments and traditions.

Cotacachi mural

Cotacachi church front

Cotacachi altar

Cotacachi altar

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Las Palmeras Inn and San Pablo Lago in and Around Peguche

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Pan American Highway

Many friends have traveled with Michael and Ramelle Pulitzer to Ecuador, but it is a NEW View here since the NEW Pan American Highway access road to the NEW airport! Still plenty of beautiful landscapes and hiking paths to meander.

New Highway

It took a lot of bulldozers!

Access Road

The new access road to the airport cuts right through the valley and holds the hills back with a combination of fabric and cement. — in Quito, Ecuador.

View from the plane in January 2015!

View from the plane in January 2015!


And here she is! The NEW airport! only takes 3 hrs 45 mins from Miami.


condor sculpture

Sculpture by Victor Delfin, an Ecuadorean artist from Quito put Here at SachaJi under the Imbabura mountain on the right. To the left is Cotacachi volcano poking thru the clouds. — at San Pablo del Lago.


Luckily, the PANA is only one road and has not covered the whole country! — at Hacienda Cusín, Imbabura Province – Ecuador.

Morning Walk

A morning walk before a full day of travel! — with Michael Pulitzer Jr at Hacienda Cusín, Imbabura Province – Ecuador.

Delfin Print

A hand pulled print by Victor Delfin that is reflecting the windows and views at SachaJi yoga center….oh and maybe you spot the iPhoto photographer! — at San Pablo del Lago.


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Patagonia, Chile

Fly thru Santiago, Chile to the southern tip of the Patagonia region where the exploration ensues of the magnificent Torres del Paine National Park. The city of Punta Arenas is below the 46th parallel. The capital of this region, Magallenes and Antarcticas Chilean, it continues to be a strategic port. En route home, consider Valparaiso, a beautiful coastal city west of Santiago – a perfect transition en route to or from the tip of the continent!

It will be a van transfer across open terrain peppered with sheep farms, guanacos, rheas and wind swept vegetation to the magnificent Torres del Paine National Park. We stay in the environmentally low impact EcoCamp within the park border at the head of many hiking trails into the park. English speaking guides are excellent naturalists. Choose your favorite activity: take a boat across the lake to hike on the glacier; trek for the day to the refugio for lunch and up to the French valley for the view of a lifetime!

Each day is a combination of new scenery, beautiful walks/treks (depending on your energy level). Your hosts will be the well trained experienced guides who not only inform but help  balance the pace of your days to your activity level.

Villerrica Volcano, certainly in the news lately, will be the feature of the view as we enjoy the new architecturally recognized Hacienda Vira Vira (turn turn!).

The tour promises plenty of time for photographs, journaling, bird watching, and independent exploration at an exceptional price in these distinctive parts of the planet.

Ask for a detailed itinerary: it is possible to join the tour for the Ecocamp or choose to join us in Puerto Mont as we explore Chiloe Island and then fly from Puerto Montt to Villarica for days of exploration and relaxation in the pristine lakes region during the “summer”.



View of the Torres del Paine en route to Ecocamp

Walkingabove thecliffs where condorsnest

Walking above the cliffs where condors nest

View of double room in “urt” at PatagoniaCamp

View of double room in “urt” at Patagonia Camp

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Travel Note: March 2015

Dear Friends and Fellow Travelers,

Below are a couple of travel pix to warm you up on this beautiful snow day!

We are going back to Ecuador March 9 – 19, 2015 – there is still time to sign on this week:

Many thanks to Katherine Abraham for her lovely review of our January Tour

french caveAnd you might want to check out the September tour to France and Spain: Consider Castles & Caves with experienced guide, Christine Desdesmaine – Hugon!

This tour is offered with much appreciation to Nancy Dawson for all of her assistance. Nancy formerly lived in Winston-Salem and now lives in the Perigord region.

Entrance Gate to El Refugio Intag

Entrance Gate to El Refugio Intag

Garden walk at Hacienda Cusin

Garden walk at Hacienda Cusin

The Condor, sculpture by Victor Delfin, Ecuadorean artist  (d. 2006)

The Condor, sculpture by Victor Delfin, Ecuadorean artist (d. 2006)

Posted in Cuenca, Ecuador, Intag-El Refugio Cloud Forest, Tidbits | Comments Off on Travel Note: March 2015


Guayaquil is Ecuador’s largest city and main port. It is home to a bustling import-export business. Tourism is on the rise as well, thanks to a new international airport and urban renewal projects along the River Guayas promenade and in the historic neighborhood of Las Peñas.


A fun photograph of Guayaquil that I found in the restaurant – captures the nature of the city perfectly!



People avoid walking under the trees.


The iguanas rule here.

A man was washing the stone paths thru the city park so we could walk through. Las Penas is the largest city in Ecuador, located along the coast is very warm all year.

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These hills are inhabited by the least fortunate! The government fixed up the outside of their houses so that they look pretty clean now. But life has not changed much for the residents, our guide said.

The bank posted artist’s works years ago and have not bothered to change the posters after years and years.


This is the botanical garden planted along the walkway on the river bank. It provides lots of cool shade – much appreciated in the middle of the day when the sun beams down straight over head – obviously at sea level – it is very very hot.


Abrahams and the Pulitzers in front of the statue of Simon Bolivar, the great liberator, shaking hands with San Martin, then President of Ecuador.

The handshake that brought together the Grand Columbia – it lasted 20 years until 1830! – merging Columbia, Venezuela, Panama, Ecuador and Peru. Sometimes Bolivia is thrown in the mix!
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Art Tour

The destinations we visit are perfect for the practicing artist: sketch, paint, photograph or jot notes in your journal as you explore the multiple layers of diverse culture and beautiful scenery in the various communities. Ecuador and Peru are enriched by a diversity of peoples, many still following in the traditional lifestyles and dress of their indigenous heritage.

Luz Maria spinning sheep wool as all girls used to do.

Luz Maria spinning sheep wool as all girls used to do.

Model in the Ortega Hat Making Factory modeling the traditional weaving - that is done in homes. Hats are brought to the factory to be accepted - one by one - for dying, molding and finally selling.

Model in the Ortega Hat Making Factory modeling the traditional weaving – that is done in homes. Hats are brought to the factory to be accepted – one by one – for dying, molding and finally selling.

Woman in Cuenca wearing a blue felt hat and traditional full skirt with lace border.

Woman in Cuenca wearing a blue felt hat and traditional full skirt with lace border.

Miguel carding the wool in his new weaving studio. His family no longer work all day at this, but now come here on weekends to continue the tradition of back strap weaving.

Miguel carding the wool in his new weaving studio. His family no longer work all day at this, but now come here on weekends to continue the tradition of back strap weaving.

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