Dear Friends,
As we say au revoir, adios and farewell to the beautiful summer season of the Berkshires, it’s sooner than you think until the chilly winter months of winter arrive! Time to take a few days to refresh and restore – our favorite destination is on the equator in the high sierras of Ecuador. Join us January 26 – 14, 2016.

Imbabura Volcano from the Condor Park above Otavalo, Ecuador
It is such a treat to have another writer, artist and friend appreciate travel and the creative spirit. Here is Catherine Tsintsos’s article. She has integrated her description with some of my pictures:

Llamas grazing at Cochasqui 7th Century pyramids
And here are some lovely bird pictures from a recent Smithsonian Magazine article – no need to be a hard core birder to enjoy the treasure hunt in Ecuador: see:

Cock of the Rock – pix shared from El Refugio de Intag website.
This is to invite you to join us in January for a creative “new view” tour to our favorite destinations in Ecuador.
January 7 – 17, 2016…See the tour here:
Ecuador: a country with the most diverse ecosystems in the world – birds, flowers, trees, woodlands and mammals will be abundant and at the same time, unique to the region. We will be share the same views that Frederic Church found in the 19th Century –

Sculpture by local Ecuadorean artist with views of Imbabura (right) and Cotacachi volcano in the distance (left).
We have a detailed itinerary upon request. Send an email to me here:
We will be staying here: see
and here: see
and here: see: (my beloved mountain)
and here: see
A few more pictures from towns & villages of High Sierra of Ecuador…..

Hand pulled print on the wall at SachaJi with view reflected in glass.

Window with Inca cross behind a local wood carving at Las Palmeras Inn:

Colonial Church in Cotocachi, the leather village

Views of Cotacachi town – a mural, the church, and the plaza – note the palm trees in the mountains!

And the flight demonstration at the
Condor Park with the American Bald Eagle!
Wishing the very best to each of you.
Many thanks for considering a trip with New View Tours”
Ramelle & Michael
Ramelle Pulitzer
Michael Pulitzer, Jr.
New View Tours, Inc.
Mail address:
P.O. Box 583
Stockbridge, MA 01262
Tel 336 416 2390
Photo credit: cock of the rock pix thanks to website: El Refugio de Intag.