Say Yes to NoNo – a small town in the cloud forest

This little town is only 45 mins from Quito, tucked behind the enormous Pinchinche volcano! After finally leaving the city behind, the road turns to bumpy dirt with potholes; the landscape becomes mountainous and green with patchwork patterns of different crops dotted with livestock and people working. Then it is the town. A new restaurant is prominent: “Tierra del Fuego” run by Marcello, an Argentinian who prepares asado barbecue in the traditional way. Absolutely delicious in his new restaurant he built himself – with the help of his father!


Marcello’s passion fruit chocolate sorbet – unbelievable!


soup with potatoes, beans and a sprinkle of cheese cooked for 4 hours!


Chef Marcello, our chef, and his bride! (I ate the entrée so fast I forgot to take the picture!

20150127NonoTierraDelFuego   20150127accommodations20150127Nonoflowers 20150127bedroomview 20150127toucansculpture

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