Ecuador January 2020
A note with poem from a traveler on the tour “Mountain in the Sun”
From Paula Hornbostel, New York City
Hi Ramelle,
I wrote a poem of thanks Inspired by Ivan, (Ivan Suarez) along the lines of my toast on our last evening at that restaurant overlooking Quito…Thought I would share it w you 🙂 since you set the trip up and it is to you that John and I are both so thankful!! We think often about the wonderful long week you gave us sharing your knowledge and love of Ecuador. Read in travel section about the falls at aqua santa!
Paula Rand Hornbostel
February 2020
Most memorable Anthuriam
Allijjachu kangi? Allimi.
Like an epiphyte you sent a root down into my heart.
On cool stones beneath warm sun at Quitsato, my mind struggled to see shadows where no shadows lay.
You, patient, held earth and flashlight.
I then sensed the vortex of energy,
sun and moon, in the Mitad del Mundo.
Your energy, ideas and words flowed for ten lovely days around, through and within us, wrapping us abundantly in Inca, indigenous, and Otavaleño culture.
We claimed you, a vehicle of your beloved country offering up to us your knowledge and love for all mankind (excepting perhaps bankers).
At San Tadeo the magical colibri did their dance. You, guia, the sugar water. I, hummingbird, flitting back for more.
Come, ask, feel your answers deeply, come again, ask more. Watch with John in silent reverence. Repeat.
Past a line of army ants, the lure of the mysterious cock-of-the-rock, the din of oil birds and I’m sorry about your binoculars.
Sitting in the bus, all together, all listening to you, all sharing, all crammed in together.
After at the Alabado Museum, we spoke of you.
“Ivan would have loved this chakana.” “Notice the four corners!”
The importance of community “Juandia!” the paramo, callawalla, chicanos of flowers and forgiveness. We learned so much.
Te de coca and learning how to eat naranjillas at Mojanda, drinking macchiatos, cascaro tea and picking coffee beans on your farm.
6:30 spying on Golden headed quetzals, tanagers, flycatchers and Rufous mott Motts!
Achupaya, bubaca, naranjilla.
Granadilla, mora, petahaya: incantations of tropical bounty for the tongue.
Spondylus shells and cups of canelassa.
Chimborazo Imbabura & Simon Bolivar.
Vibrations through clay from the ancients to us, through the InterAndean valley summoning the great duality, Puca-Ila and eternal life.
Minga chi woy?
Love unlocks the gate to the future
Cuyana Cayambe
Thank you, wonderful guide!

Ivan Suarez entering the hike around the rim of Cotacachi Volcano

Paula and John on the shore of Mojanda lake

Group at El Refugio de Intag – L to R: John and Paula Hornbostel, Mimi Hassett, Michael, Ramelle, Peter Joost, Judith Levin, Ron Blau