Basecamp 103 Part 2

Basecamp 103 – November 2023

Nat­ur­al Bridge Vir­ginia is a sign I have seen on I – 81 in­ter­state high­way for years
en route from our old home in North Car­oli­na to the Berk­shires. It was al­ways too soon
for a stop and too near home for a stop. To­day it is per­fect.

We pull in by 3:15. Park the Base­camp at the camp­ground, de­tach the car for the
five-mile drive to the his­toric State Park https://www.d­cr.vir­gini­a.­gov/state-parks/natur­al-bridge.

The first com­ment on any web­page about the park is to be­ware that ac­cess: 137
steps. We ex­pect to pay an en­trance fee, but there isn’t a park ranger sta­tion un­til we
go DOWN the ad­ver­tised steps. I ask the ranger, will you lock the gates af­ter 5 pm
clos­ing time? ”Aw don’t wor­ry about it” the young man in uni­form quips. I can only
hope he will be right. It is near­ly 4 pm.

Natural Bridge, VA

The bridge is a deep blue lime­stone arch that cross­es a canyon like a wall. It is as
high as the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty at 215 Ft. Cedar Creek cre­at­ed this place, cut­ting through
the karst ter­rain that now grow thick woods on steep hill­sides. The trail is well
groomed and lined with stone walls craft­ed gen­er­a­tions ago. Thomas Jef­fer­son lived
and farmed near­by: Mon­ti­cel­lo. He would vis­it to ad­mire the nat­ur­al fea­ture at every
op­por­tu­ni­ty, es­pe­cial­ly on trips home from Wash­ing­ton DC. At the end of his life, it
was a re­gret that he was not able to pre­serve it. As a re­sult, some com­mer­cial in­ter­ests
have grown and some are still in op­er­a­tion. A large ho­tel is perched at the edge of the
ravine, and sev­er­al camp­grounds and cab­ins are pri­vate­ly run.

Natural Bridge, VA

It is a cold mid­week late af­ter­noon vis­it, but we still pass a hand­ful of vis­i­tors
equal­ly in awe of the qui­et, ever chang­ing mono­lith. The sun­set rays re­flect the last
light of the day. Down­stream from the nat­ur­al bridge along the creek is site of a saltpeter cave where pa­tri­ots in sup­port of the Rev­o­lu­tion found potas­si­um ni­trate. This was fer­ment­ed then brewed into acon­coc­tion that be­came gun­pow­der. (Salt­peter is a lengthy and com­pli­cat­ed process. France pro­vid­ed much of the gun­pow­der need­ed
by the colonies as they waged war against the British.)

Natural Bridge, VA

It is a beau­ti­ful walk along the creek. We feel cheered up af­ter the stress­es of leaving home and the hum of the en­gine all day on the road. Bear, who rules the whole back­seat in his taco dog bed, has de­cid­ed that gas sta­tions and most rest stops aren’t worth it. Ahh, but he no­tices the dif­fer­ence from the paved park­ing lot that this stop means a good walk. He jumps right out, tail up, nose alert, a lit­tle dance at the end of the ex­ten­sion leash. He is thrilled to drink from the rocky shal­lows of the creek. The
gen­tle park trail is only a cou­ple of hours up and back.

Natural Bridge, VA

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