Tree pose!
Join Michael Pulitzer on a Tour to Ecuador that includes daily practice of yoga while exploring a fascinating country located at 0 degrees latitude. Fly to the new Quito airport to begin in the comfort of SachaJi Retreat and Hotel, a sustainable “healing hotel” with glorious hot tub and views to the beautiful lake San Pablo del Lago. Find expansive views of Cotacachi Volcano, Mojanda peaks and the imposing Imbabura mountain – all within view here at 8,700 ft.in the High Sierras.
Days are designed to combine a balance of exploration of the region with art practice and yoga and meditation. Plan to visit villages, meet local artisans who are continuing their traditional Quechua way of life in this modern world. We explore the Otavalo market and see many other smaller versions on our way. We take the newly paved road to Intag Cloud forest to stay at El Refugio, a private retreat where we find an abundance of birds, orchids in a unique, diverse ecosystem that includes welcoming local people and guides to introduce us to this lush environment.
Activities include: a visit to the condor preserve, a walk/hike along the rim of volcanic Cuicocha lake, an explore of Cotacachi, the leather town with its small museum. We enjoy a trip to the indigenous community of San Clemente in the Zuleta valley. The final transfer takes us to Patio Andaluz in the heart of the colonial section of the bustling capital of Quito, a World Heritage City since 1978. It is an experience to stay in a vintage city hacienda within minutes of restaurants and museums. The history and style of this energetic city will keep us busy on our last two nights here.
Select activities or try them all: art class, morning yoga, evening meditation, bird watching; Spanish classes; an extended trek. A draft itinerary is available upon request – just for you. If you have a favorite time of year to travel, we can help you out!
This is a unique tour combining a balance of inward practice with travel exploration!
10 days – October 19- 29, 2017 (Thursday – Sunday) or start the New Year with a New View: January 4 – 14, 2018 (Thursday – Sunday)
Land cost: $2500 single occupancy; $1900 shared room.